Estonia joins the European initiative to develop supercomputers
Estonia is the 21st European country to sign the European declaration on high-performance computing (HPC), which aims to pool European and national resources to build a world-class HPC infrastructure.
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Petition for an increased European budget for Research and Innovation
4,322 people have signed a petition launched by EuroScience and the Initiative for Science in Europe, calling for an increased European Research and Innovation budget.
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Human Brain Project: making the most of computer science
In a blog post published on 17 July, Commissioner Andrus Ansip, who is in charge of the Digital Single Market, looks into the Human Brain Project (HBP), which is one of the two FET Flagship launched in 2013 by the European Union (EU).
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Horizon 2020 Work Programme for 2019: new FET activities in HPC
On 24 July, the EC adopted the revised Horizon 2020 Work Programme for 2019, which now includes new calls for Future Emerging Technologies (FET) activities in High Performance Computing (HPC) and future battery technologies.
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One more step towards the establishment of the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking
Latvia has announced its intention to become a founding member of the European High Performance Computing (EuroHPC) Joint Undertaking, which aims to pool European and national resources to build a world-class HPC infrastructure.
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New study on the benefits of personalized medicine
EBE and EFPIA have financed a study to understand the benefits of personalized medicine to patients, society and healthcare systems.
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