Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
On 18 September, the 4th Annual Public sector transformation Conference organised by Forum Europe and Hewlett Packard Enterprise took place. One of several organized panels addressed Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Healthcare.
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Commission Report on Patients' Rights
The European Commission has recently posted its latest report on patientsā€™ rights in cross border healthcare.
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Need for a guideline revision on the investigation of medicinal products in the term and preterm neonate
On 17 September, the European Medicine Agency (EMA) published a concept paper on the need for a revision of the guideline on the investigation of medicinal products in the term and preterm neonate.
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Informal EU Health Ministersā€™ meeting
On 10 and 11 September the Austrian Presidency hosted an informal meeting of the EU Health Ministers.
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More EU Member States join the 'Genomics Declaration'
On 21 September Croatia signed to join the European declaration on genomic data sharing. The Member State follows in the footsteps of Austria and Greece, which signed the declaration quite recently.
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International Avicenna Alliance Conference
On 4 Sept 2018 a large-scale international conference took place at the European Parliament in Brussels, presenting the newest developments in in silico medicine.
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