

  • Open Joint Faculty Position at Donnelly Centre / Department of Physiology

    Review of applications will begin on October 15, 2018
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  • Ongoing debate in European Parliament on establishing Horizon Europe

    On 30 August, the Members of the European Parliament's Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) held a debate on their draft opinion on the Commission’s proposal for Horizon Europe.
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  • Call for applications for an expert group on Business-to-Government data sharing

    The Commission has recently launched a call for applications for the selection of members of the expert group “Business-to-Government (B2G) data sharing”.
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  • A new digital data highway between Europe and Latin America

    A new contract agreement has been signed between the BELLA consortium (Building Europe Link to Latin America) and EllaLink (private consortium) on the launch of a digital highway between Europe and Latin America.
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  • The Netherlands and Brazil intensify cooperation in innovation

    The Netherlands and Brazil will be developing a joint innovation programme in 2019 in order to conduct more joint research and development in areas such as high-tech systems and materials, aerospace, medical technologies and natural disaster prevention.
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  • 'Plan S' and 'cOAlition S': joining forces to accelerate the transition to Open Access

    On 4 September Commissioner Moedas announced the launch of 'Plan S' and 'cOAlition S'.
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