

  • Austrian EU Presidency: data protection, access to medicines and budget discussions on the agenda

    On 1 July 2018, Austria took the helm of the Council of the European Union (EU) which gathers the Ministers of the Member States.
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  • Report on the BEAMS (Bridging Across Methods in bioSciences) meeting

    Prof. Annamaria Carusi (Medical Humanities, University of Sheffield) and the Joint Research Center of the European Commission co-organised a workshop entitled ‘Bridging across methods in biosciences (BEAMS)’ on 19 - 20 June 2018.
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  • Call for papers for our special issue "VPH in clinical practice"

    Special VPH issue in the ‘Morphologie Journal’ to present in silico medicine applications that have hit the clinics.
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  • PhD position available in Surrogate Modelling for Multiscale Simulations - University of Amsterdam

    Closing date 10 August 2018
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  • Call for papers for the Systems Medicine Journal

    The Journal Systems Medicine is an open access, peer reviewed journal focused on interdisciplinary approaches exploiting the power of big data by applying systems biology and network medicine. If you're interested to contribute a call for papers is now open.
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  • NHS future healthcare revolution

    A recent article presents the ten health innovations that could soon be on the NHS and it mentions some in silico medicine technologies developed by our UK members
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