

  • More than a conference!

    The 5th edition of the VPH conference has successfully taken place in Zaragoza (Spain) under the local organization by the University of Zaragoza
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  • How are 3D printed hearts helping families with heart problems?

    In this video our board member Dr Claudio Capelli tells how he and his team, based at Great Ormond Street Hospital, are creating 3D replicas of the tiny hearts of children with congenital heart disease.
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  • Call for Papers: Special Issue on Integrative Data Analysis in Systems Medicine

    Manuscript Submission Deadline: January 20, 2019
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  • Andreas Husch wins the Best Thesis Award in In Silico Medicine with application in industrial R&D

    Andreas Husch from University of Luxembourg was awarded with the Best VPHi Thesis Award in In Silico Medicine with application in industrial R&D sponsored by InSilicoTrials
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  • Two winners for the Best VPHi Thesis Award in In silico Medicine

    Jan Bruse (University College London) and Francesc Levrero Florencio (University of Edinburgh) have been both selected as winner of Best VPHi Thesis Award in In silico Medicine
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  • Giulia Luraghi from Politecnico of Milans wins the Best VPHi Student Award

    For the first time the VPHi assigned a €500 prize for the best work submitted for the VPH2018 conference by a VPHi PhD Student.
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