Register for poster presentation at the VPH2014 now!

There is still an opportunity to register an abstract for the poster session at the the Virtual Physiological Human Conference 2014 (VPH2014). The deadline is July 20. Don't miss it out.

If you are interested to submit an abstract for the poster session of the upcoming VPH2014, you still have the opportunity to do so: the submission deadline is July 20th.

Abstract registration can be done through the abstract portal.

This biannual conference series grew out of the successful FP7 Virtual Physiological Human Network of Excellence. and It has now become one of the major instruments for maintaining the coherence and momentum of the highly multidisciplinary VPH community.

Compared to previous event, VPH2014 foresees a reduce the number of oral presentations to emphasise the importance of the poster sessions. A poster presentation is in many cases at least as valuable as an oral presentation in terms of getting people in touch with each other and conveying important results. 

The conference organizers embrace the fact that a Virtual Physiological Human will stand upon the shoulders of experimental biology by particularly inviting poster presentations of experimental data that challenge our current computational conceptualisations. 

Likewise, they will demand that more theoretically inclined poster presentations (as well as oral ones) will be clear on model premises and hypotheses so that they can be confronted by those in possession of relevant biological expertise.

Don't forget:

The deadline for early bird registration is approaching: July 15

  • If you already have registered an abstract, you shall register for the conference through the abstract portal 
  • If you are going to the conference and do not wish to register an abstract please register here.

Date: 08/07/2014 | Tag: | News: 280 of 1670
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