DECIPHER Invitation To Tender

The DECIPHER call for Tenders has been made public on the 25th of June 2014. Bidders are invited to tender under the pre-commercial procurement (PCP) procedure for the provision of research and development services to seek solutions for a "Distributed European Community Individual Patient Healthcare Electronic Record" (DECIPHER).

DECIPHER PCP Project, funded under the European Commission 7th Framework Programme for research and technological development (FP7), challenges the industry to develop mobile solutions that enables secure cross-border access to existing patient healthcare portals and efficient and safe medical care of mobile patients in EU member states. These solutions shall be of special interest in the management of patients with chronic diseases or unplanned care episodes.

In particular, the DECIPHER PCP Procedure shall be divided into different Phases, in such a way that the number of Bidders shall decrease from one Phase to the next one to ensure selecting those that best address the technical challenge on which this PCP is based.

All procurement activities will be conducted by the Procuring Entity as single procuring entity. The Procuring Entity is the Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya (AQuAS), a public agency attached to the Health Department of the Regional Government of Catalonia (SPAIN).

The Procuring Entity is purchasing on behalf of three procuring authorities:

  • ESTAV CENTRO (Ente per i Servizi Tecnico-amministrativi di Area Vasta Centro) (ITALY), a Tuscany Regional Agency in charge of centralized procurement, logistics, health technology and Information and Communications Technology (ICT) support for Central Tuscany Public Health Entities (ASL10 Firenze, AOU Careggi, AOU Meyer, ASL3 Pistoia, ASL4 Prato, ASL11 Empoli and ISPO).
  • TICSALUT (SPAIN), a public foundation attached to the Health Department of the Regional Government of Catalonia (Spain) that works to promote the development and use of ICT and networking in the field of health, acts as an observatory for new trends, innovation and monitoring of emerging initiatives and provides services for the standardization and accreditation of products.
  • CMFT-TRUSTECH (Central Manchester foundation Trust) (UK), an United Kingdom National Health Service (NHS) organization that aims to improve healthcare through the development of innovative products and services, providing consultancy services and expert advisory to help individuals and teams to develop and commercialize or disseminate their innovative products and services, to protect their intellectual property, as well as to manage their innovations and to introduce new technologies to meet clinical needs and improve patient care.

The Invitation To Tender with its Annexes, the Challenge Brief and the Glossary are now available from the Public Contracts Platform website of the Government of Catalonia:

Any question or query regarding the tender process or documents should be submitted using the ‘Notice Board’ available from such platform.

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Date: 08/07/2014 | Tag: | News: 281 of 1619
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