CuraBone opens up 5 PhD positions

CuraBone is a European Industrial Doctorate, financed by the ITN Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action, looking for 5 highly motivated PhD Students.

Bone injuries represent a high cost for the European health system, requiring corrective surgery to fix the bones. Traditionally, their treatment relies on classical orthopaedic techniques but, nowadays, it is possible to design and fabricate custom-made implants. Thanks to the current advance in image-based technologies, the reconstruction of models that are exact copies of patient specific bones is possible. CuraBone aims to develop a new generation of patient-specific implants, using advanced modelling techniques such as Finite Element Analysis, MusculoSkeletal Modeling and bone healing.

CuraBone is looking for 5 highly motivated Early Stage Researcher ESR (PhD Students) interested in working in an ambitious multidisciplinary project either in Materialise and Unizar. These ESR positions are aimed to pursue the scientific objectives of CuraBone through the development of the thesis.

The call is open now for all candidates, find all the requirements to apply here:

More information on the CuraBone project can be found here

Date: 03/04/2017 | Tag: | News: 576 of 1653
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