

  • The European Commission publishes long-awaited draft regulation package on AI

    At the end of April the European Commission published its long-awaited regulation package on AI, including new rules and actions to position Europe as a hub for trustworthy AI application.
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  • Avicenna Alliance provides feedback on the EU roadmap on the evaluation and revision of the general pharmaceutical legislation

    The Avicenna Alliance has submitted its feedback to the inception impact assessment on the EU general pharmaceuticals legislation. Through this feedback, Avicenna Members provided the European Commission with guidance on how to meet unmet medical needs, maintain a system of incentives, promote evidence generation tools for marketing authorisation of innovative medicines, and support and accelerate product development as well as authorisation.
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  • Funded PhD opportunities in Bologna

    The call for this year scholarships for University of Bologna PhD program in Health and Technology is now out!
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  • Proposal for a Regulation on a European approach for Artificial Intelligence

    The Commission is proposing the first ever legal framework on AI, which addresses the risks of AI and positions Europe to play a leading role globally.
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  • European Commission launches Pact for Research & Innovation in Europe

    The European Commission has published the Roadmap for the Pact for Research & Innovation in Europe, which is open for feedback until 13 May.
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  • The TGCS2021 call for abstract is extended to 15 May

    The Technical Group on Computer Simulation of the International Society of Biomechanics extended the call for abstracts
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