DISCIPULUS The Consultation Process
The DISCIPULUS project began in October 2011, and will run until March 2013. The first consultation exercise will take place in Barcelona on the 29th-30th March 2012.
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Meet the DISCIPULUS Consortium
The DISCIPULUS project is a collaboration between five institutions in four countries: University College London (UK), the University of Sheffield (UK), Universitat Pompeu Fabra (ESP), Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli (IT), and Empirica β Gesellschaft fΓΌr Kommunikations und Technologieforschung mbH (DE).
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The DISCIPULUS project aims to produce a research roadmap for the realisation of the Digital Patient, an initiative to provide an integrative, sustainable approach to using patient information and computational models in the clinic.
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Horizon 2020: the first EC document is out!
On November 30th the European Commission published the proposal package for the for next EU Framework: Horizon 2020.
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Call 9 is open: may the best proposals win!!
On January 18th 2012 the European Commission published a new call for VPH-type research: FP7 ICT Call 9. The success of current VPH projects has enabled DG-INFSO to secure a budget of β¬58m for further research.
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The 4th Global COE Symposium
Here you can find the report on The 4th Global COE International Symposium on Physiome and Systems Biology for Integrated Life Sciences and Predictive Medicine, made by the Executive Director of the VPH Institute, Prof Marco Viceconti.
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