The VPH Institute web-site is now ready!
May 15th, 2012: today the VPH Institute website is up and running:
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Happy birthday VPH Institute!
May 16th, 2012: the VPH Institute turns 1 year old!
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Want to know something more about the VPH Institute current supporting members?
The current supporting members are also the founding members of the VPH Institute as they collaborated with us since the creation of this organisation and, thanks also to their financial support, they made our existence possible. The supporting members institutions sit in the Board of Directors and they are actively collaborating in the achievements of the business plan of the Institute, which was presented and approved during the General Assembly meeting held in September last year.
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Discipulus: Views from clinicians and industry
As part of the consultation meeting, representatives from two of the important stakeholder groups discussed within their groups about what they thought were the most important issues going forward.
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The challenges facing the Digital Patient initiative
Some important challenges to be overcome were brought up during the meeting. These challenges provide food for thought on how best to structure the research roadmap in order to tackle them.
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The opportunities for the Digital Patient
Many participants in the consultation process are excited about the possible opportunities provided by the Digital Patient initiative, based on their own personal experience. Many of these opportunities are quite novel, and indicate the potential of the Digital Patient on the clinical, research and industrial sectors.
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