How to become an VPH Institute general member?
Joining the VPH Institute is very simple: download the application form, compile it, and send it to the Institute manager following the instructions enclosed. As soon as it will be received, the Board of Directors will review your request and just in few days you could be officially on board!
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Meet the members of the VPH Institute
From its incorporation less than one year ago, the Institute has gained the interest of a considerable number of worldwide institutions that applied for the Institute membership: we currently have 58 member institutions, of which nine are supporting members.
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Information Overload at the Frontline
Research shows that electronic health record systems can induce information overload for primary care professionals.
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The information explosion – and how to harness it
The time taken to translate biomedical research into clinical practise remains too long. The volume of research in biomedical science is ever increasing. We may soon reach a point where no individual can hope to process all the information available into effective healthcare strategies.
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Active and Healthy ageing: first documents published
The Strategic Implementation Plan (SIP) of the Pilot European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing is now public.
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A website with information on DISCIPULUS and the Digital Patient is now up and running.
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