Want to know something more about the VPH Institute current supporting members?

The current supporting members are also the founding members of the VPH Institute as they collaborated with us since the creation of this organisation and, thanks also to their financial support, they made our existence possible. The supporting members institutions sit in the Board of Directors and they are actively collaborating in the achievements of the business plan of the Institute, which was presented and approved during the General Assembly meeting held in September last year.

What are the institutions that compose the Board of Directors and who represents them?
The current supporting member of the VPH Institute are nine prestigious organisations, that excel worldwide for their research quality, which are actively involved in VPH, most of them being partners on VPH funded research projects. Here you can find the full list:

1.Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli – IOR (Italy)

IOR  is a publicly owned research hospital, and is the main Italian institute of orthopaedics and traumatology. Since 1981 Rizzoli is a 'Scientific research hospital of national relevance' as recognised by the Italian Ministry of Health, due to its high level of healthcare in orthopaedics and traumatology. One of the 8th laboratories of IOR is the Lab of Medical Technology whose mission is to develop, validate and transfer into the clinical practice every innovative technology that might improve the prevention, the diagnosis, the treatment, the monitoring, or the rehabilitation of musculoskeletal diseases.
IOR is represented in the Board of Directors by Prof.Marco Viceconti, who recently relocated to University of Sheffield where he is now Professor of Biomechanics in the  Dept. of Mechanical Engineering and Scientific Director of the new Insigneo Sheffield Research Institute. 

2.Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en  Automatique – INRIA (France)

Public science and technology institution established in 1967, INRIA  is the only public research body fully dedicated to computational sciences. Combining computer sciences with mathematics, INRIA’s 3,400 researchers strive to invent the digital technologies of the future.
INRIA is represented in the Board of Directors byNicholas Ayache, a distinguished INRIA scientist, current Research Director at INRIA Sophia Antipolis – Méditerranée.

3.Katholieke Universiteit Leuven – KUL (Belgium) 

KUL has been a centre of learning for almost six centuries. Founded in 1425 by Pope Martin V, KUL bears the double honour of being the oldest extant Catholic university in the world and the oldest university in the Low Countries. The Division of Biomechanics and Engineering Design at KUL combines research and education in biomechanics with education in basic engineering mechanics and engineering design.
KUL is represented in the Board of Directors by Prof.Jos Vander Sloten, full Professor of the Faculty of Engineering Science and head of the Biomechanics Section.

4.Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù – OPBG (Italy)

The Hospital was established in 1869 thanks to the act of love of a family sensitive to the needs of less fortunate children, the Salviati family.  It began with a room having four beds and over the years, and thanks to the work of thousands of collaborators, it has now become the largest Pediatric Hospital of the Central-South Italy and one of the most modern and best equipped of the whole country. 
OPBG is represented in the Board of Directors by Prof.Giacomo Pongiglione, Director of the Department of Medicine Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery. 

5.Universidad de Zaragoza – UZ (Spain)

The Universidad de Zaragoza (UZ) is the only public university in Aragon and the main centre of technological innovation in the Ebro valley. The AragĂłn Institute of Engineering Research (I3A) is one of the Research Institutes that belongs to the University: its research interests are deliberately multifield and multidepartamental, searching technological solutions for the future by promoting innovation and excellence.  Established in 2002,  the Institute aims to support the economic development of AragĂłn by creating new scientific knowledge and transferring it to the use of industrial companies. The activities of the I3A concerned main four areas: research, technology transfer, training and scientific diffusion.
I3A-UZ is represented in the Board of Directors by Prof.Jose Manuel Garcia Aznar, Associate Director of the Biomedical Engineering Division of  the AragĂłn Institute of Engineering Research (I3A), University of Zaragoza. 

6.UniversitĂ  di Roma "Foro Italico" (Italy)

The University of Rome "Foro Italico" – one of the four state universites in Rome - is the only Italian and one of the few European vocational universities entirely devoted to research and education in the realm of movement sciences. The University is the direct heir of the Italian Sport Academy, established in 1928, and it is located in the monumental area of Foro Italico in Rome. Currently, it has about 2,000 students and provides courses at bachelor, master, and doctorate level. It is also committed to life longlearning initiatives.
UniversitĂ  di Roma "Foro Italico" is represented in the Board of Directors by Prof.Aurelio Cappozzo, Director of the Department of Human Movement Science and Sport. 

7.Universitat Pompeu Fabra – UPF (Spain)

UPF ranks at the top of Spanish universities for quality research and features amongst the top 100 universities worldwide in Computer Science. The Computational Imaging and Simulation Technologies in Biomedicine (CISTIB) is one of its research laboratory. At the scientific level, the research group is currently focusing on the development of computational medical imaging and simulation techniques, with special emphasis on orthopaedics, angiology and cardiology.
UPF is represented in the Board of Directors byAlejandro Frangi, Director of CISTIB and recently appointed Professor of Biomedical Image Computing at the University of Sheffield. 

8.University of Auckland – AU (New Zeeland)

Founded in 1883, Auckland is now the country’s largest university with 38,500 students, nearly 10,000 of whom graduate annually. Based in the heart of New Zealand’s largest and most diverse 
city, the University of Auckland has the most comprehensive range of courses in the country with teaching and research  conducted over eight faculties and two large-scale research institutes.
AU is represented in the Board of Directors by Prof.Peter Hunter, Director of the Auckland Bioengineering Institute (ABI) a cross-faculty research centre, which deals with the application of mathematical and engineering sciences to biology and human physiology, aiming to improve understanding of physiological processes and the diagnosis and treatment of injury or disease. 

9.University of Sheffield USFD (U.K.)

The University of Sheffield has over 24,000 students from 131 countries, and almost 6,000 staff.  The University’s history stretches back to 1828, when the Sheffield School of Medicine was founded, and the University Charter was granted in 1905. The University is now regarded as one of the UK’s leading research-led Universities.
USFD is represented in the Board of Directors byRod Hose,Professor of Computational Biomechanics in the Department of Cardiovascular Science, Medical Physics Group.

Date: 20/05/2013 | Tag: | News: 28 of 1653
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