Parliamentary Question on Healthcare Data Digitalisation
On 1 July 2013, Amelia Andersdotter (Greens/EFA, Sweden) has asked the European Commission about what it intends to do regarding plans by Member States in Central and Eastern Europe to create data digitalisation system, and particularly about the security risk to patients’ data this undertaking might pose.
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Clinical Trials Transparency Debate
The EurActiv released on 30 August 2013 an article entitled “Health experts critical of pharma industry's new transparency rules”, and shows that the balance between the commercial interest of pharmaceutical companies and the benefit for patients is still being contested at EU level.
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Networking session on 'in silico medicine' during ICT 2013
The VPH Institute was selected to lead one of the networking sessions that will take place at the ICT2013 conference in Vilnius (6-8 November 2013). You are all invited to attend and give your contribution.
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Informative Webinar on the new Participant Portal for H2020
On 9 September 2013 a webinar on the new Participant Portal for Horizon 2020 took place. If you missed it out the recorded stream version is still available on-line.
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Joint debate on Horizon 2020 (ITRE Committee)
On 18 September 2013, the Industry, Research and Energy Committee (ITRE) held a Joint Debate on Horizon 2020. The debate follows the trialogues (Parliament, Commission, Council of Ministers) held before the summer holiday, where an agreement was reached on the organisation and the budget of the Horizon 2020 programme.
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European Parliament publishes report on eHealth
The European Parliament has published its Draft Report on the eHealth Action Plan 2012-2020. The non-legislative, own initiative report is a response to the Commission Communication on the eHealth Action Plan, in which VPH is specifically mentioned.
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