

  • Registration to the database of independent experts for European research and innovation now open

    The European Commission launched on 16 January the call for experts in Smart Systems Integration to register to the database of Independent Experts for European Research and Innovation ('ICT-02-2014).
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  • Call for tender “Pilot project on the promotion of self-care systems in the European Union“

    On 19 December 2013, the European Commission, DG Sanco, launched the call for tender entitled “Pilot project on the promotion of self-care systems in the European Union“, that champions the enhancement of self-involvement in one’s own healthcare maintenance coupled with the development of effective self-care strategies at both EU and Member State levels.
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  • The scope for gains from digitally transforming health care

    A new report has been published by the European Commission, entitled "Unlocking the ICT growth potential in Europe: Enabling people and businesses”. The report highlights the importance of unlocking ICT's growth potential in Europe now and calls for a strategic vision for Europe.
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  • VPH Policy Affairs Working Group in 2014

    2014 marks a significant year in EU politics. In May of this year, European Citizens will be electing a new European Parliament with drastic changes expected in the formulation of the European Parliament.
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  • European Parliament endorses VPH

    On 14 January 2014 in Strasbourg, Members of the European Parliament specifically endorsed the work of the VPH Institute and voted in favour of the Own-Initiative Report on the eHealth Action Plan 2012-2020.
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  • Physiology rocks: 4000 downloads in four months

    Our President, Denis Noble, publishes an article in Experimental Physiology that skews the downloading statistics of the journal.
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