

  • €240.50 million call opens for individual research fellowships

    Are you a researcher at postdoctoral level or beyond looking for a grant to cover your personal research project? A competitive call for proposals offering EU-funded individual fellowships for a total of €240.50 million opens today.
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  • Stop animal experiments…Start computer simulations!

    The VPH INSTITUTE responds to the petition that requests the ban on all animal experiments in Europe proposing computer simulation as the best option to reduce, refine and partially replace animal testing in scientific research.
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  • The role of innovation, highlighted by the Competitiveness Council

    Innovation and Research was featured heavily during the debates in the last meeting of the European Council’s Competitiveness (Internal Market, Industry, Research and Space) Council, that took place on 20 and 21 February 2014 in Brussels.
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  • At the AAAS annual meeting Prof Coveney gives one glimpse of the future of personalised medicine

    Prof Coveney was invited to present his new research on the future of patient-specific drug selection at the recent annual meeting of AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science), the world's largest general scientific society.
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  • Parliamentary Question on the protection of health data on the Internet

    On 11 February 2014, Marc Tarabella (S&D, Belgium) and Jean Louis Cottigny (S&D, France), both Members of the European Parliament, tabled a Parliamentary Question (PQ) on the protection of health data on the Internet.
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  • Full use of big data for an improved efficiency of healthcare

    Read the outcome of the report on "Big and Open Data in Europe: A Growth Engine or a Missed Opportunity" commissioned by demosEUROPA
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