CompBioMed Webinar #7: Sensitivity analysis of a strongly coupled cardiac electro-mechanical model


The next CompBioMed’s webinar took place on 20 March 2019 at 3pm CET and it focused on Sensitivity analysis of a strongly coupled cardiac electro-mechanical model. This is the 7th of a series of webinars that the CompBioMed Centre of Excellence organises in collaboration with the VPH Institute.

The webinar describes the computational implementation of a complex and physiologically-detailed cardiac electro-mechanical model for human hearts. The model was developed within the framework of Alya, Barcelona Supercomputing Center’s HPC-based multi-physics software, and making use of the computational resources obtained from the PRACE project (pr1efz00). Some examples of ventricular geometries (monoventricular and biventricular) are presented and the results of a global sensitivity analysis, which evaluate the sensitivities of clinically relevant quantities of interest, are also shown.

Presentation to be given by

Dr. Francesc Levrero-Florencio (University of Oxford) Research Associate in Computational Cardiovascular Science (CCS), finished his PhD in Civil Engineering at the University of Edinburgh in the topic of multiscale solid mechanics and HPC applied to trabecular bone, where he also developed a nonlinear version of ParaFEM, supported through an ARCHER RAP award. Francesc joined the CCS Group ( in November 2016 as part of the CompBioMed project, in close collaboration with the Barcelona Supercomputing Center. His research topic is the study of the multiscale electromechanical behaviour (contractility) of the human heart under healthy and diseased conditions.

Full information can be found here



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