CompBioMed Webinar #10: HemeLB – Simulation of cardiovascular flow on high performance computers

Compbiomed #10

The next CompBioMed’s webinar took place on 9 Sept 2019 at 1pm CEST with a presentation on "HemeLB – Simulation of cardiovascular flow on high performance computers" by Dr Jon McCullough (UCL).

This is the 10th of a series of webinars that the CompBioMed Centre of Excellence organises in collaboration with the VPH Institute.

Blood flow throughout the human body is an inherently complex and multiscale process, encompassing the fields of physics, chemistry, biology and medicine. Understanding and making reliable predictions about these flows as it occurs within a given individual could lead to significant improvements in decision making by healthcare professionals. This webinar will discuss HemeLB, a high performance lattice Boltzmann code developed within the Centre for Computational Science at UCL and optimised for solving blood flow problems. In particular, its capabilities and performance on some of the world’s largest supercomputers will be discussed along with some examples of its use.

This webinar is targeted towards researchers who are interested in learning about HemeLB and its use within the CompBioMed Centre of Excellence. In particular it should assist those wanting to model flows with the code.

The Centre for Computational Science is based within the Department of Chemistry at University College London. Formed in 2003, CCS has a wide range of research interests including materials science, drug discovery, molecular modelling and biomedical science. In all these fields, the centre focusses on making discoveries through the use of high performance computing to generate larger, more realistic and more reliable simulations. Over various projects, the CCS has been awarded several hundred million core hours of compute time on some of the largest supercomputers in the UK, Europe and USA.

Dr Jon McCullough (UCL)

Dr Jon McCullough commenced as a Postdoctoral Research Associate within the Centre for Computational Science at UCL in 2019. Prior to this, he completed his PhD in Mechanical Engineering at The University of Queensland (Australia) studying the behaviour of thermal particle suspensions within the oil and gas industry. With his work UCL partially funded by the CompBioMed Centre of Excellence, he has been focussed on continuing the development of the HemeLB code.

Full information can be found here


Compbiomed #10

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