Webinars on Personalised in silico Cardiology (PIC)

The EU PIC Consortium has released 10 webinars on a number of cardiac modeling related topics, spanning from biomedical signals and imaging to medical devices and therapies.

The PIC Webinars have been prepared to teach key concepts of Personalised In-silico Cardiology, touchingĀ 3 areas:

Computational Cardiac Modelling, covering finite element theory and methods for general linear and nonlinear analyses with their applications to the solution of problems in solid mechanics, fluids and electrophysiology. The governing physical equations, conservation laws, and mathematical principles are reviewed, and the critical issues of stability, accuracy, and convergence are discussed.

Medical imaging & biomedical signals: Overview of medical data acquisition, enhancement, analysis, and visualization. This course is divided in 3 main blocks: (1) medical imaging acquisition and analysis, (2) fundamentals of digital signal processing, and (3) machine learning. The focus of the course is a series of practical experiences in processing cardiac data.

Medical devices and therapies: gives an insight into the implanted devices and sensors to support and monitor cardiac function, such as pacemakers, ventricular assist devices, and sonomicrometry. It covers their functional and measurement principles, their challenges, strengths and weaknesses, and standards for safety and biocompatibility issues.

A repository of the webinars has now been made available and it is accessible here

Date: 06/12/2019 | Tag: | News: 1028 of 1668
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