VPHi Executive Director Prof Lies Geris speaks at the "Strategies for Innovation in Life Sciences" event

On 3 December 2019, Prof Lies Geris contributed to the roundtable hosted at the European Parliament in Brussels aimed at defining concrete steps for a transition to animal-free science.
Strategies for Innovation in Life Science

The event "Strategies for Innovation in Life Sciences" was held in the European Parliament, hosted by Sirpa PietikƤinen MEP, and co-organised by the Finnish Presidency and Eurogroup for Animals.

The event started with an exhibition opening and roundtable discussion that was held at the European Parliament, Brussels on 3 December from 12h30 until 17h30. This event on innovation, at the beginning of this new political term, aims to create an open forum to discuss how the EU and its member states can promote innovation through concrete scientific policies and funding opportunities. 

Under the Finnish Presidencyā€™s ambitious vision for research and development with a high impact on peopleā€™s lives, this event has brought together innovators from academia, industry and organisations, politicians, and policy makers to discuss possible targets and concrete steps that both Commission and national governments can support in the next legislative term and beyond to promote innovation in life sciences while reducing the use of animals in science.

VPHi director Liesbet Geris was invited to discuss the ongoing work in the in silico community. A short testimonial can be found here: https://twitter.com/Act4AnimalsEU/status/1201539348715495424


Exhibition opening (ASP building, 3rd floor, Bar Area 3D)

12h30: Welcome by Moderator, Reineke Hameleers, Eurogroup for Animals

Opening of the exhibition: Jari Partanen - State Secretary, Finland Various MEPs

13h00: Tour of the exhibition and media moment

Conference on "Strategies for innovation in life sciences" (ASP building, Room A1H1)

13h30: networking lunch with speakers

14h00: Opening of the Conference,  LuĆ­sa Bastos (Eurogroup for Animals), Jari Partanen (State Secretary, Finland)

First panel

14h25: Life sciences consuming less animal lives ā€“ a strategy for innovation!, Thomas Hartung, Director Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing

14h45: Systematic approach brings the best outcome in the paradigm change from animal biology-based testing strategy to human cellular models and tests based testing strategy, Tuula Heinonen, Director Finnish Centre for Alternative Methods

Second panel

15h05: Innovations in life science education and training and the feasibility of full replacement, Nick Jukes, Coordinator InterNICHE

15h25: In silico modeling in healthcare: of virtual physiological mice and men, Liesbet Geris, Director Virtual Physiological Human Institute (VPHi)

Third panel

15h45: From Ā´Organ-on-ChipĀ´ to Ā´Patienton-ChipĀ´ ā€“ addressing unprecedented animal welfare potential and unexpected patient benefit, Uwe Marx, TissUse

16h05: Non-Animal Models in Science: Challenges & Future Directions, Laura Gribaldo, Scientific Officer Joint Research Centre - European Commission 

16h25: Panel discussion

17h30: Closing

Full information on the event can be found here


Strategies for Innovation in Life Science

Date: 06/12/2019 | Tag: | News: 1027 of 1653
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