VPH Institute supporting members for 2012/13

The list of the new supporting members for the upcoming year has now been finalized. From September these institutions will officially own a seat in the Board of Directors of the Institute and will have a fundamental role in driving the Institute policy.

Supporting members are general members that for that year contribute in a substantial way to the financial viability of the Institute business plan. This financial commitment somehow marks the general commitment to the Institute and to the VPH initiative at large, and thus it is asked these institutions to express candidates for the Board of Directors. 

This body will govern the Institute for the following year, giving supporting members the possibility to drive the Institute policy, setting the agendas, proposing specific actions, approving the annual business plan, and associating the brand of their own institutions to the visibility of the VPH institute as a whole. 

The supporting members were selectedthrough a public call, which received a very positive response.

We are happy to annonce that the upcoming members of the Board of Directors will be:

  1. INRIA, represented by Nicholas Ayache,
  2. King's College London, represented Nicolas Smith,
  3. Norwegian University of Science and Technology, represented by Stig Omholt,
  4. Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino GesĆ¹, represented by Giacomo Pongiglione and Edwin Morley Fletcher,
  5. Universidad de Zaragoza, represented by Jose Manuel Garcia Aznar,
  6. UniversitĆ  di Roma "Foro Italico", represented by Aurelio Cappozzo, 
  7. University College London, represented by Peter Coveney,
  8. University of Auckland, represented by Peter Hunter,
  9. University of Heidelberg - Virtual Liver Network, represented by Adriano Henney,
  10. University of Sheffield, represented by Marco Viceconti.

The Board of Directors in its new composition will meet for the first time in London in the morning of the 17th of Semptember, and it will be formally presented at the mermbeship at large at the General Assembly which will be held in the afternoon of the same day.

Date: 21/05/2013 | Tag: | News: 63 of 1668
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