The event aimed to present the strategy in its current policy context and to provide stakeholders with the possibility to give feedback on the strategy’s roadmap through questions relating to specific areas of the strategy.
Key points
- The participants represented a wide variety of relevant stakeholders: patients, consumers and healthcare professionals groups, academia and research organisations, industry, regulatory authorities, health technology assessment bodies and pricing and reimbursement bodies as well as the EU Institutions and Agencies.
- Moderators and speakers of the event consisted of the following representatives of the Commissions’ DG for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE): Andrzej Ryś, Director Health systems, medical products and innovation, Olga Solomon, Head of Unit Medicines: policy, authorisation and monitoring and Sylvain Giraud, Head of Unit Medical products: quality, safety, innovation.
- The workshop was divided in four sessions:
- Introduction and discussion on the pharmaceutical strategy roadma
- Access and incentives for patient-centred innovation and unmet need
- Ensuring availability of pharmaceuticals to patient
- Ensuring affordability of medicines for patients and health system sustainability
The summary report is relevant for the Members of the Policy Development Working Group as it falls within our work regarding the EU Pharmaceutical Strategy.
The summary report can be downloaded here