Online survey on the revised document on "Orientations towards the first Strategic Plan for Horizon Europe"

The EC has launched an online survey to share views on the revised version of the "Orientations towards the first Strategic Plan for Horizon Europe" document. The deadline for contribution is 17 November 2019

With a proposed budget of 100 billion Euro from 2021 to 2027, the Horizon Europe framework programme represents the largest collaborative research and innovation investment in the world and is open to participants worldwide.

A co-design process has been launched in order to optimise the targeted impacts for the first four years of implementation. It has been organised first through a web-phase consultation (28 June to 4 October), to which the VPHi not only responded in its institutional role, but also engaging members of the community to spread the same message. More info can be found here

The consultation was then followed by the European Research and Innovation Days (24-26 September) where more than 10.000 contributions from different stakeholders have been received, the VPHi being one of them

All these feedback have been taken into account and included into the revised version of the “Orientations towards the first Strategic Plan for Horizon Europe”, which is now open for another revision round. 

We encourage you all to take part of the survey, which will be open until the 17th of November 2019.

Full details can be found here

Date: 08/11/2019 | Tag: | News: 1013 of 1653
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