On 10 March 2020, the EC presented a new Industrial Strategy Package for a globally competitive, green and digital Europe. The package of initiatives sets a clear direction for the twin transitions towards climate neutrality and digital leadership for the five coming years.
The new Industrial Strategy will help deliver three key priorities: maintaining European industry's global competitiveness, making Europe climate-neutral by 2050, shaping Europe's digital future. The strategy is structured around two main ambitions: a more digital and sustainable European industry, and a strong autonomous European industry.
A more digital and sustainable European industry
The Strategy proposes a set of actions, for SMEs and big companies, start-ups, research centres, service providers, suppliers and social partners, to address the seven following conditions needed to enable twin industrial transformations:
Under each of the identified condition, the Commission listed actions that were identified as key to meet the fulfilment of the conditions. Among these 40 the below were identified as of possible relevance:
A strong and strategic autonomous European industry
Alongside the Europeā€™s industrial transformation, the Commissionā€™s ambitions are also structured around reducing the EUā€™s dependence on critical materials and technologies, and thus reinforcing Europeā€™s industrial and strategic autonomy.
As one of the four actions identified in this area was the need to adopt a new EU pharmaceutical strategy in 2020, including actions to secure supplies and ensure innovation for patients. With this, the Communication also outlined that the strategy would focus on the availability, affordability, sustainability and security of supply of pharmaceuticals ā€“ noting that access to pharmaceuticals and medical products are crucial to Europeā€™s security and autonomy as highlighted by the recent events linked to the COVID-19 outbreak.
Other key actions were identified as follows:
1.Follow-up to the 5G Communication and the Recommendation on cybersecurity of 5G networks.
2.Support the development of key enabling technologies, including biotechnology, biomedicine, nanotechnologies, pharmaceuticals, robotics, high performance computing and data cloud infrastructure and blockchain.
3.An Action Plan on Critical Raw Materials, including efforts to broaden international partnerships on access to raw materials. Critical law materials are considered crucial for a variety of markets, including pharmaceuticals.
4.An Action Plan on synergies between civil, defence and space industries.
As part of the twin transitions, the Commission also wants to increase links between different products and services across sectors and plans to put in place the following partnerships and actions.
Full information on the New Industrial Strategy can be found here