International School on In Silico Trials

The first edition has just ended last week: positive feedbacks from the students.

A team of world-class experts on in silico, a three-days programme and completely streamed live on online platforms: "The School was conceived as a full immersion in this great innovation that in silico medicine represents for a wide range of applications." says Prof. Marco Viceconti, director of the School. 

"The threat of Covid-19 disrupted our plans of hosting it in the beautiful Bologna, but it turned out as an incredible opportunity to rethink the training as an online school, allowing interested researchers to participate despite large geographical distances". People connected from all over the world, including participants as far as Australia. "The positive feedbacks and participation confirmed that indeed a need to gain insights on the topic is present and has to be addressed". 

More information on the School can be found here

Date: 18/09/2020 | Tag: | News: 1129 of 1653
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