2022: another busy year!

in silico medicine is really gaining momentum and the VPH Institute with it. A lot has happened over the past year, let's have a look at it!

Dear in silico medicine enthusiasts,Lies Geris
although we are already well into the thick of what's promising to be another exiting year for the in silico medicine community, we keep to the VPHi tradition of giving an overview of what has been realised in the past year. Conferences, summer schools, webinars, white papers, awards etc.

As the list of activities grows longer every year, thanks to the enthusiasm and collaboration of the in silico medicine community and the VPHi team, we are only giving a brief overview below. If you want to learn more about any of the activities, please follow the included links to the detailed reports. Many challenges remain but many hands make light work and all of us at VPHi look forward to working with you this year!

Liesbet Geris
VPHi Executive Director

Project participation:

The VPHi is participating to 3 projects funded under the call "Accellerating the uptake of computer simulations for testing medicine and medical devices: In Silico World, SimCor and SImCardioTest that are successfully running. As of January 1st 2023, a 4th project has been added to the list: the REALM project will focus on the real-world-data enabled assessment for health regulatory decision making.

In 2022 the VPHi is proud to have been granted the coordination of a CSA (coordination support action) called EDITH. EDITH aims at fostering an inclusive ecosystem for Digital Twins in healthcare in Europe and at preparing a strategic roadmap for its wider development, integration and uptake. Quite a lot will happen in the next two years, we will keep you posted!

Working group and task forces:

Being a member of the Avicenna Alliance, the VPHi can offer all its members the opportunity to access and contribute to all the Avicenna Alliance’s activities. Here you can have an overview of the 3 working groups and related task forces where you can have an active role.

The VPHi has also recently established a new working group for clinical community engagement that aims to increase the level of adoption and trust in the in silico medicine technologies by their primary users: clinicians and healthcare professionals.

If you want to know more about or participate in the working groups or task forces, please contact manager@vph-institute.org

Position papers and important documents:

VPHi submitted feedback to the FDA on the draft guidance document

In collaboration with the In Silico World (ISW) and SIMCor consortia, the VPH Institute has provided feedback to FDA on the draft guidance for Assessing the Credibility of Computational Modeling and Simulation in Medical Device Submissions.

WHITE PAPER: the role of Artificial Intelligence within in silico medicine

A range of authors across academia and industry, representing both the VPHi and the Avicenna Alliance, have produced a new white paper on potential of the use of computer modelling and simulation in healthcare, with a particular focus on the role of Artificial Intelligence, that is intended to stimulate policy making, regulatory thinking and research strategies in this exciting space.


Verification & validation of in-silico models, a european effort

On 8 February 2022 this collaborative workshop was organised by 4 running EU funded projects SimCardioTest, SimInSitu, SIMCor, InSilicoWorld & EU-stands4PM. VPHi not only contributed to the event, but is also a partner of 4 out of 5 of these projects.

6th VPH Summer School

The VPH Summer School is an annual event co-organized by BCN MedTech at the Department of Information and Communication Technologies, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) and the VPHi, with the collaboration of the QUAES Foundation. It provides junior engineers and medical doctors with a complete overview of state-of-the-art research for in silico medicine. This year, its 6th edition was held in Barcelona from May 23rd to 27th.

This year, on 27 May 2022 in the afternoon, the Summer hosted a special Roundtable which gathered internationally renowned experts from the public and private sector, as well as, patients’ representatives, to discuss good practices and ethics in in silico medicine and e-Health.

AIFA - VPHi Workshop: "The role of In Silico Medicine in diabetes"

On 26 May 2022, the VPH Institute co-organized with AIFA - The Italian Medicines Agency, the workshop "The role of in silico medicine in diabetes" that aimed to present the state of the art of Digital Twin technologies for the development and assessment of new treatments for diabetes. The event saw the participation of many experts from different fields including academia, industry, and international regulatory bodies.

VPH2022 - a very successful conference!

After 4 years, the VPH Conference was held as a physical event in Porto (Portugal) from 6 to 9 of September 2022. It was wonderful to see each other again in Porto. In the 2 years since the Paris meeting, our in silico community has made significant progress in many ways and it has grown stronger and bigger.

New VPHi Young Scientists Committee:

The VPHi student committee is a group of active VPHi student members who promotes the VPHi as a community and the career development of the young scientists of this community. This year they took care of a number of activities, such as the organisation of the Keynote webinar series (follows), the Summer School and the Meet the mentor luncheon during the VPH2022 conference. We take the opportunity to thank once again the former members of the committee who have given a great contribution to the Institute: Mojtaba Barzegari, Zeynep Karagöz, Satanik Mukherjee, Robyn May, Christian Spieker, Timothy Weaving.

The selection process to join the new committee has been finalised in November last year and we are thrilled to announce the formation of the new VPHi Young Scientists Committee.

VPHi Keynote webinar series:

This webinar series is organized by the VPHi Young Scientist Committee that provides a forum for access to senior community members and their expert competence for chiefly young scientists, but also to the VPH community as a whole. These are the webinar organised over the past year, which are all available on YouTube:


A number of awards have been assigned by the VPHi to celebrate the valuable contributions of our members in the field:

  • VPHi best posted award: Marie Sklodowska-Curie PhD fellow Sofia Tseranidou for her poster on “Nucleus pulposus cell network modelling in early intervertebral disc degeneration”
  • VPHi best thesis award:Laura Baumgartner from UPFfor her thesis entitled "Digging into Biologically-Driven Injury Mechanisms in the Intervertebral Disc - An Evidence-Based Network Modelling Approach to Estimate Cell Dynamics within Complex Multicellular Systems".
  • VPHi best student award:Mojtaba Barzegari from KU Leuven for his presentation on “High-performance computational modeling of metallic biomaterials biodegradation”.

Date: 18/01/2023 | Tag: | News: 1408 of 1619
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