Neelie Kroes speech on importance of technology- CEBIT, Cyber Security Conference
On 10 March 2014, the Vice-President of the European Commission, Ms. Neelie Kroes delivered a speech on the intrinsic role of technology in securing our digital economy during the CEBIT, Cyber Security Conference held in Hanover.
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Horizon 2020- Call for FET Flagships Tackling Grand Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Challenges- New deadline
The Commission has announced that Mr. Robert-Jan Smits, Director General of DG Research has decided to postpone the call for the FET Flagships Tackling Grand Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Challenges by two months. The new deadline for the call is 10 June 2014.
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Progress on EU data protection reform now irreversible following European Parliament vote
Following the debate on the Data Protection Regulation on 11 March and the vote in plenary on 12 March, MEPs introduced enhanced safeguards for EU citizens’ personal data in a significant overhaul of the EU’s data protection reform package.
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€240.50 million call opens for individual research fellowships
Are you a researcher at postdoctoral level or beyond looking for a grant to cover your personal research project? A competitive call for proposals offering EU-funded individual fellowships for a total of €240.50 million opens today.
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Stop animal experiments…Start computer simulations!
The VPH INSTITUTE responds to the petition that requests the ban on all animal experiments in Europe proposing computer simulation as the best option to reduce, refine and partially replace animal testing in scientific research.
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The role of innovation, highlighted by the Competitiveness Council
Innovation and Research was featured heavily during the debates in the last meeting of the European Council’s Competitiveness (Internal Market, Industry, Research and Space) Council, that took place on 20 and 21 February 2014 in Brussels.
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