

  • Commission Publishes 2nd Report on Patient Safety

    On 19 June 2014, the European Commission published their Report on the implementation of the “Council Recommendations on patient safety, including the prevention and control of healthcare associated infections"
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  • Apply for the VPH2014 Travel Award

    This year, the VPH Institute has established 5 Travel Awards of 400 € (tot. of 2.000 €) with the purpose of allowing young researchers to participate at the VPH2014 conference. If you have an accepted paper (either oral or poster), check the eligibility criteria and see whether you can apply for the bursary. The application deadline is July 22nd.
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  • The VPH Tianhe-2 Challenge: Vote for the Code

    We are at the final stage of the consultation: thanks to the contribution of our experts we have identified 21 codes, which could be ported to the Tianhe-2 HPC platform, the current fastest supercomputer in the world. We now need your help to select the winner!
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  • News Medical reports that stiff arteries alone are enough to cause high blood pressure in "virtual human"

    High blood pressure is highly age-related and affects more than 1 billion people worldwide. But doctors can't fully explain the cause of 90 per cent of all cases. A computer model of a "virtual human" suggests that stiff arteries alone are enough to cause high blood pressure.
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  • New State Aid Rules make it easier to invest in an innovative future

    On May 27th, 2014, Commissioner for the Digital Agenda highlights how new state aid rules cut red tape and make it easier to invest in an innovative future
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  • Submit a proposal for the 2nd Fed4FIRE Competitive Call

    On 21 May 2014, the Fed4FIRE project on federating a common framework for Future Internet Research and Experimentation facilities announced its 2nd competitive call (Fed4FIRE-2). Applications must be submitted before July 2, 2014 and the total available funding for Non -Industrial Experimenters such as VPH, for 2nd Open Call - Part A2 is EUR 200 000.
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