How digital twins may enable personalised health treatment
The Guardian recently published an article highlighting the key role digital twins are playing to make medicine genuinely personalised!
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InSilicoTrials Awarded 2023 Innovation Radar Prize
Our project partner, InSilicoTrials, has been awarded with the 2023 Innovation Radar Prize Established by the European Commission in AI and Smart Devices Category.
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The Innovative Health Initiative (IHI): current and future call topics
The Innovative Health Initiative (IHI), a public-private partnership between the European Union and the European life science industries, published information on future calls ahead of publication expected at the beginning of 2024.
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Commission Opens Calls to Invest €42 Million in Digital Skills
The European Commission opened a new set of calls for proposals under the 2023-2024 Work Programmes of the Digital Europe Programme with a focus on advanced digital skills.
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Survey - Computational modeling and simulation in healthcare: regulatory approval and clinical application
This Avicenna Alliance survey aims to collect experience of using and developing in silico clinical application and/or submitting in silico evidence to regulatory authorities or conformity assessment bodies.
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Machine learning approach allows for tumour classification during neurosurgery
Meet Sturgeon, a neural network classifier which is able to provide a classification for Central Nervous System Tumours during the surgery itself, providing fundamental information for the surgeon on how to proceed.
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