How digital twins may enable personalised health treatment

The Guardian recently published an article highlighting the key role digital twins are playing to make medicine genuinely personalised!
The Guadian - Digital Twins

"Imagine having a digital twin that gets ill, and can be experimented on to identify the best possible treatment, without you having to go near a pill or a surgeon’s knife. Scientists believe that within five to 10 years, “in silico” trials – in which hundreds of virtual organs are used to assess the safety and efficacy of drugs – could become routine, while patient-specific organ models could be used to personalise treatment and avoid medical complications.

Digital twins are computational models of physical objects or processes, updated using data from their real-world counterparts. Within medicine, this means combining vast amounts of data about the workings of genes, proteins, cells and whole-body systems with patients’ personal data to create virtual models of their organs – and eventually, potentially their entire body..."

Read the full article here


The Guadian - Digital Twins

Date: 28/11/2023 | Tag: | News: 1521 of 1653
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