

  • Merry Christmas from all at the Avicenna Consortium

    End of a fruitful year of Avicenna Events
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  • First Avicenna Review in Brussels

    Consortium team travel to Belgium capital to represent the project in its Annual Review
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  • OraMod Project: Helping clinicians predict oral cavity cancer reoccurrence

    On December 9th, the Consortium presented the results of the first year of research to the European Commission, obtaining extremely positive reviews: the project was recognised an extremely interesting innovative approach to a "transparent" predictive model and an extremely effective data presentation and virtual representation of the disease.
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  • VPH and ESMO collaborate on Data Protection

    The VPH Institute will be signing up to a position paper on the Data Protection Regulation endorsed by a range of health stakeholders in Brussels and spearheaded by the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO).
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  • EU Research Budget Safe

    A provisional agreement on the European Union budget for 2015 was reached that secured €45 million more for the EU research and development programme Horizon 2020.
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  • Data Protection Regulation in jeopardy?

    The conflicting positions of the Council and the Parliament seem difficult to square.
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