VPHi day webinar

When: 25/01/2021 - 25/01/2021
Where: Online
On the 25th of January 2021, the VPHi will host a 2 hours on line event to present the activity plan for the new year and all the interesting initiatives and benefits our members can get access to and participate in.

In silico medicine has made significant progress over the last years. Scientifically there is an increasing number of studies where in silico technologies were important to reach new biological insights or allow the translation to (pre)clinical studies. Both Medtech and Pharma industries are investing in the uptake of in silico technologies in and there is a growing number of start-up companies exclusively providing in silico medicine services. Regulatory agencies, from EMA to FDA and notified bodies are actively working with the in silico community to establish the appropriate regulatory framework that will facilitate the full-scale adoption of these technologies.  We are living in very exciting times and the VPHi is playing an active role in steering the activities that will make in silico medicine a standard practice in health care. 

On 25 January 2021, you are all invited to join the VPHi day webinar and get to know everything that we plan to do in the new year and how you can play an active role!

Register now: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/2721024509215377419

The on line event will take place from 16 to 18 CET and will see the following presentations:

16.00  Welcome

16.00 - 16.15  Who we are, what is our goal, why we are different - Lies Geris (VPHi Executive Director)

16.15 - 16.25  VPHi and the Avicenna Alliance: working groups and common activities - Thierry Marchal (AA Secretary General)

16.25 - 16.35   Research & Technology WG - Lies Geris (VPHi Executive Director)

16.35 - 16.45   Engaging the Clinical community - Claudio Capelli (UCL)

16.45 - 16.55   Certified Materials Library - Nele Famaey (KULeuven)

16:55 - 17:05   Policy development WG - Emmanuelle Voisin (Voisin Consulting)

17.05 - 17.15   Good Similation Practice - Marco Viceconti (University of Bologna)

17.15 - 17.25   International WG - Markus Reiterer (Medtronic)

17.25 - 17.35  A community for in silico medicine trainees - Jerome Noailly (VPHi student committee)

17.35 - 17.45   Communication and engagement - Martina Contin (VPHi manager)

17.45 - 18.00   Open questions

18.00  End of the meeting

We look forward to seeing you on the 25th of January! This is an open event, so you are welcome to forward this invitation to all your colleagues interested in in silico medicine

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