Tools for implementing the virtual human twin

When: 06/09/2024 - 06/09/2024
Where: Stuttgart, Germany
The goal of this workshop is to showcase plans and progress towards developing software tools, computational models, devices, datasets, and clinical applications to support these initiatives.

Friday, Sep. 6th, afternoon

We have the ambition of developing virtual human models for clinical applications, both for populations (such as in virtual clinical trials) and for individuals – the so-called ‘Virtual Human Twin’, or VHT, which is often linked with continuously updated data from implantable and wearable devices. Along with many others, we are particularly interested in the development of virtual human models that are based on multiscale biophysically-based models that incorporate physiological function from the molecular level to the organ and organ system level in order that they can interpret clinical measurements from genetic testing, blood biomarkers, clinical imaging and physiological function testing. This is a huge undertaking that requires global collaboration and coordination. The European EDITH project, the New Zealand 12 Labours project, and the NIH funded SPARC portal are all contributing to this global effort. The goal of this workshop is to showcase plans and progress towards developing software tools, computational models, devices, datasets, and clinical applications to support these initiatives.


Peter Hunter, David Nickerson, Prasad Babarenda Gamage, Greg Sands (Auckland Bioengineering Institute, University of Auckland, New Zealand)

Target audience

VPH community (keywords: multiscale modellers, digital twin developers and users, wearable device and clinical applications)

Agenda/Learning objectives

In the first part of the workshop, we will lead introductory discussion sessions to ensure all attendees are given a common starting point from which to launch into the examples and tutorials. We will discuss how the standards, tools, and practices used across these projects are being developed and could be applied in your projects. Throughout the discussions we will endeavour to point to the specific tools being used and where the capability is available via API or service for integration into other tools. In the second part, attendees will be encouraged to pick and choose from the range of guided tutorials that will be available in the following sections and work their way through the material on their own or in groups. We will provide guidance on specific pathways through the tutorials that aim to address specific use-cases, and instructors will be on hand to advise and discuss. The available instructors will include expert software developers and researchers.

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