Translational Cardiovascular Modeling: Tetralogy of Fallot & Modeling of Diseases


The most recent webinar of the VPHi Keynote Webinar Series took place on 24 February 2021 at 16 CET featuring Radomir Chabiniok from UTSW Medical Center Dallas, under the moderation of Ngoc Mai Monica Huynh, member of the VPHi Student Committee.


Translational cardiovascular modeling (TCM) combines clinical data with physiologically and biophysically based models of heart, large vessels or circulation, while aiming to contribute to diagnosis (e.g. new or more reliable bioindicators for patient stratification) or optimal clinical management (thanks to predictive capabilities of biophysical models) [1]. Increasing the mutual knowledge between clinicians and researchers in TCM is crucial to succeed in advancing the novel methods into the clinical practice and this seminar aims to contribute in facilitating such a multi-disciplinary interaction.

TCM brings the opportunity to address a number of clinical problems not sufficiently solved by current techniques. Models of heart mechanics are applicable during assessing ventricular function at regular follow up exams or planning of intervention [2] (while coupling the models with detailed clinical data), or at perioperative period or acute exacerbation of heart failure [3] (when coupled with signals monitoring cardiovascular physiology at operation theatre or intensive care unit). Electromechanical heart models can contribute to the planning of cardiac resynchronization therapy [4]. Blood flow assessed by combining phase contrast magnetic resonance imaging with a flow model [5] can contribute to the decision about a possible intervention e.g. on heart valves or large vessels. Furthermore, advanced imaging and image processing constrained by biophysical models allow to study distinct patterns, which could be associated with a disease progress [6].

While the above mentioned TCM methods can serve for a number of acquired or congenital cardiovascular diseases, in this webinar we will demonstrate their applicability on tetralogy of Fallot (TOF). TOF is the most common complex congenital heart disease, in which several TCM techniques can be combined. Most of the results presented in this webinar have been achieved in the clinical-modeling collaborative venture TOFMOD (Tetralogy Of Fallot & Modeling Of Diseases), launched primarily between Inria France and UT Southwestern Medical Center Dallas, with associated partners spanning clinical, imaging and modeling groups over the globe.


[1] R. Chabiniok et al: Multiphysics and multiscale modelling, data-model fusion and integration of organ physiology in the clinic: ventricular cardiac mechanics, Interface Focus, 2016.

[2] B. Ruijsink et al: Dobutamine stress testing in patients with Fontan circulation augmented by biomechanical modeling, PLOS ONE, 2020.

[3] A. Le Gall et al: Monitoring of cardiovascular physiology augmented by a patient-specific biomechanical model during general anesthesia. A proof of concept study. PLOS ONE, 2020.

[4] M. Sermesant et al: Patient-specific electromechanical models of the heart for the prediction of pacing acute effects in CRT: A preliminary clinical validation. Med Image Anal. 2012.

[5] R. Fucik et al: Investigation of phase contrast magnetic resonance imaging underestimation of turbulent flow through the aortic valve phantom: Experimental and computational study by using lattice Boltzmann method. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine (MAGMA), 2020.

[6] K. Skardova et al: Signed-distance function based non-rigid registration of image sequences with varying image intensity.Series S of Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 2020.


With my dual-background (MD and applied mathematics) and experience in cardiovascular magnetic resonance particularly for congenital heart diseases, I devoted myself to the translation of cardiovascular modeling into the clinic and advancing these methods into routine clinical application. This intrinsically multi-disciplinary goal can only be achieved in tight collaborations between teams of cardiovascular clinicians; mathematical and biomechanical modelers; and researchers in advanced data acquisition and processing. This explains my professional trajectory and major collaborations, which is my VPH webinar based on: MRI department of Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine (IKEM Prague); Inria France; St Thomas’ Hospital, King’s College London; Department of Mathematics at Czech Technical University in Prague; and UT Southwestern Medical Center Dallas. All these clinical and research labs contribute together within a collaborative clinical-modeling venture TOFMOD (Tetralogy Of Fallot & Modeling Of Diseases) created in 2017 primarily between Inria and UTSW Medical Center Dallas.


This webinar belongs to the VPHi keynote webinar series, a quarterly event organized by the VPHi Student Committee that provides a forum for access to senior community members and their expert competence for chiefly young scientists, but also to the VPH community as a whole.

With the series, VPHi wishes to:

  • Offer added value to prospective young scientist VPHi Student members through core content
  • Create visibility of VPH knowledge dissemination for external stakeholders
  • Highlight excellence within the VPHi, additionally providing student members with a label of quality
  • Promote scientific interaction between junior and senior community members and across VPHi disciplines



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