"So you have a PhD in In Silico Medicine. Now what?”

The VPHi Young Scientists Committee kicked off a new webinar series on Career Development with the first episode on career paths after a PhD in in silico medicine


"So you have a PhD in In Silico Medicine. Now what?” is the first episode of the new webinar series on Career Development launched by the VPHi Young Scientists Committee.

The first webinar in the series has been held online on March 6, 11:00 - 12:15am CET, and it aimed to explore the opportunities for PhD candidates in different career paths, because knowing the various professional opportunities available at the end of a doctorate is a valuable asset in making career decisions.

In this webinar, speakers whose career took them to start-ups, large companies, consultancy companies, academia and the public sector shared their experiences through an interactive session, giving a fantastic opportunity to get an idea about the available options in your field after your graduation.

In particular, participants had the opportunity to:

  • Know how to identify the career opportunities open to PhDs (in Europe and abroad), both in the academic and in the private sector
  • Understand better how to identify the key competencies to develop during the doctorate
  • Directly ask questions and engage with the key speakers in the field

Recordings of the webinar are now available on our YouTube channel!



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