Reproducibility and reuse in the Virtual Physiological Human

Nielsen and Nickerson

This webinar will feature a double presentation by two well-known researchers from the Auckland Bioengineering Institute in New Zealand, and will be moderated by the Chair of the VPHi student committee, Dewan Sarwar (University of Auckland).

In the first part of the webinar, Prof Poul Nielsen (Auckland Bioengineering Institute) will discuss his experiences developing standards for encoding mathematical models to assist in their creation, reproducibility, and reuse. The discussion will consider why these are essential goals for computational physiology in general, and for the VPH in particular. In his talk, Prof Nielsen will include examples spanning from the spatial scale sub-cellular pathways through to whole organs. 

In the second part of the webinar, Dr David Nickerson (Auckland Bioengineering Institute) will provide an overview of the current state of specific standards, repositories, and software tools relevant to the VPH and the Physiome Project. He will discuss how the various efforts attempt to provide the Virtual Physiological Human community with standards and tools that enable quantifiable and reproducible science.

The webinar is free and open to anyone but registration is mandatory. If you plan to attend please register as soon as possible. Spaces are limited!

Registration link

The VPHi keynote webinar series is a quarterly event organized by the VPHi Student Committee that provides a forum for access to senior community members and their expert competence for chiefly young scientists, but also to the VPH community as a whole. 

With the series, VPHi wishes to:

  • Offer added value to prospective young scientist VPHi Student members through core content
  • Create visibility of VPH knowledge dissemination for external stakeholders
  • Highlight excellence within the VPHi, additionally providing student members with a label of quality
  • Promote scientific interaction between junior and senior community members and across VPHi disciplines

Prof Poul Nielsen

Poul's research focuses on using novel instrumentation, detailed computational models, and quantitative descriptions of physical processes to gain a better understanding of human physiology. Many of his projects couple mathematical modelling with innovative instrumentation to improve our ability to understand and interpret measurements of complex biological systems, subject to the constraints of well-understood physical conservation and balance laws. 

Additional information can be found here

Dr David Nickerson

David is an Aotearoa Foundation Fellow, Physiome, and Senior Research Fellow at the Auckland Bioengineering Institute, where he leads the Auckland Renal Physiome project and helps develop tools and standards in support of reproducible computational physiology. David is an elected member of the CellML and SED-ML editorial boards, as well as being a COMBINE coordinator. He also develops several software tools related to his work on model exchange as well as being involved in several ABI infrastructural software projects.

Additional information can be found here


Nielsen and Nickerson

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