Computational methods establish the future of patient-specific spine surgery

VPHi Webinar - Aron Lazary

In this webinar, Dr. Aron Lazary (Scientific Director, Spine Surgeon, National Center for Spinal Disorders, Budapest) will share his experience and vision about the role of computational technologies in spine surgery. 

Emerging techniques such as: decision support systems, patient-specific modeling and implant manufacturing, surgical planning and navigation tools, and complex computational disease models already have a significant impact in the modern clinical practice. These methods create the basis for further development of spine surgical techniques and of implants for a better patient care. The webinar will be moderated by the VPHi members Peter Eltes MD - National Center for Spinal Disorders, Budapest

The webinar is free and open to anyone but registration is mandatory. If you plan to attend please register as soon as possible. Spaces are limited!

Registration link: 

This webinar belong to the VPHi keynote webinar series, a quarterly event organised by the VPHi student committee that provides a forum for access to senior community members and their expert competence for chiefly young scientists but also to the VPH community as a whole. With the series, VPHi wishes to:

  • Offer added value to prospective young scientist VPHi Student members through core content
  • Create visibility of VPH knowledge dissemination for external stakeholders
  • Highlight excellence within the VPHi, additionally providing student members with a label of quality
  • Promote scientific interaction between junior and senior community members and across VPHi disciplines

Aron Lazary MD, PhD is the scientific director of the National Center for Spinal Disorders. He is a spine surgeon, Prinicipal or Co-Investigator of several scientific and clinical studies, published more than 30 scientific publications in the last five years. Member of the Department of Musculosceletal Oncology at the Semmelweis, University, the Eurospine Young Leadersā€™ Forum, the AOSpine Knowledge Forum on Tumors. His research interest is related to the elements of the individualized spine surgery from decision support tools to patient-specific implants.

More information can be viewed here


VPHi Webinar - Aron Lazary

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