
VPH Projects List

The Virtual Physiological Human initiative is a worldwide effort to develop next-generation computer technologies to integrate all information available for each patient, and generated computer models capable of predicting how the health of that patient will evolve under certain conditions. A number of VPH research projects have been financed over the years, mainly by the European Commission, but from other funding bodies too. This list includes all the VPH related projects that have contributed to the development of this initiative.

    HypErspectraL Imaging Cancer Detection

    Healthcare Interoperability Testing and Conformance Harmonization

  • I-Know
    Integrating information from molecules to man: knowledge discovery accelerates drug development and personalized treatment in acute stroke

  • ImmunoGrid
    The European Virtual Human Immune System Project

    Image-based Multi-scale Physiological Planning for Ablation Cancer Treatment

    Promoting & Monitoring Biomedical Informatics in Europe

    Biomedical Informatics to Support Individualised Healthcare

  • Integrate
    Driving Excellence in Integrative Cancer Research through Innovative Biomedical Infrastructures

    A Virtual Reality Intelligent Multi-sensor Wearable System for Phobias' Treatment

  • K4CARE
    Knowledge Based Homecare eServices for an Ageing Europe

  • LHDL
    Living human project: Interactive digital library services to access collections of complex biomedical data on the musculo-skeletal apparatus

  • Linked2Safety
    A Next-Generation, Secure Linked Data Medical Information Space For Semantically-Interconnecting Electronic Health Records And Clinical Trials Systems Advancing Patients Safety In Clinical Research

  • M-Eco
    The Medical Ecosystem - Personalized Event-based Surveillance

    Colon cancer treatment by discovering mutations on tumour suppressor genes

  • MD-Paedigree
    Model-Driven European Paediatric Digital Repository

  • MeDDiCA
    Medical Devices Design in Cardiovascular Applications

  • MEDNet
    Latin America Health Care Network

  • MicroActive
    Automatic Detection of Disease Related Molecular Cell Activity

  • Mission-T2D
    Multiscale Immune System Simulator for the ONset of Type 2 Diabetes integrating genetic, metabolic and nutritional data

  • MobiGuide
    Guiding Patients Anytime Everywhere

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