
Past Events < Upcoming events


    When: 26/03/2025 - 26/03/2025 | Where: Paris, France
    The next InnovaHeart workshop 2025 will be organised on 26 MARCH 2025, in Paris @Future4Care REGISTRATION OPEN: early bird before 10 March: 120€ and after 10 March: 180€ InnovaHeart is a series of workshop dedicated to the digital twin of …
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  • REALM Webinar: Transforming Medical Device Software Evaluation with Real World Data

    When: 25/03/2025 - 25/03/2025 | Where: Online
    Medical device software is evolving rapidly.... but are our evaluation processes keeping up?
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  • Avicenna monthly webinar by Himanshu Kaul from University of Leicester

    When: 11/03/2025 - 11/03/2025 | Where: Online
    FUTURE WEBINAR - 2025, Tuesday, March 11th - Himanshu Kaul: "How to design, manufacture, and optimise drugs and regenerative medicine using in silico methods?"
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  • Avicenna monthly webinar by Matthieu Chareyre from Tox By Design

    When: 18/02/2025 - 18/02/2025 | Where: Online
    "From Innovation to Market: Lessons and Challenges from In Silico CM&S Disruption in Biotech and Pharma’s Predictive Toxicology"
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  • Advancing In Silico Respiratory Medicine: An Introduction

    When: 07/02/2025 - 07/02/2025 | Where: Online
    This 1-hour webinar will set out the plans for a new collaboration between InSilicoUK and BIOREME. The session will discuss the current progress of in silico medicine and highlight opportunities for respiratory applications. There will also be a chance to give your input, either during the discussion session during the webinar, or via the follow-up survey.
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  • 8th Workshop on Computational Methods for the Immune System Function (CMISF 2024)

    When: 03/12/2024 - 06/12/2024 | Where: Lisbon, Portugal
    The Workshop will focus on the application of computer methods and computational models, at any level of description (e.g., microscopic/intracellular, mesoscopic/intercellular, macroscopic/tissue or organs), for the modeling of the immune system function, along with their application in understanding the pathogenesis of specific diseases (e.g., infectious diseases, cancers, hypersensitivities, autoimmune disorders).
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