VPH at “EU Science: Global Challenges, Global Collaboration”

From March 5th to March 7th, 2013 the VPH Institute directors, Prof. Peter Coveney and Dr. Adriano Henney, participated to this major European Parliament event outlining the work of VPH to policy makers.

This high level European Parliament event brought together science policy makers, scientists and industry representatives from 100 different countries and placed EU research at the centre of the international response to global challenges. It was convened by ISC - Intelligence in Science, in association with the Irish Council Presidency and in conjunction with Mr Sean Kelly MEPand other Members of the European Parliament.

Two of the current Directors of the VPH Institute were invited to give a presentation on different aspects of the VPH research:

  • Prof. Peter Coveney, Director of the UCL Computational Life & Medical Sciences Network,presented VPH as a key tool, which can make use of vast quantities of data to help healthcare professionals make predictions and allow patients to take control of their own health. His talk titled "ICT for Medicine: Virtual Humans, Digital Patients & Avatars“ was part of the panel "Future of medicine – a policy basis for a new system”, whose details can be found here.
  • Dr. Adriano Henney, Programme Director of the German Virtual Liver Network, described how VPH can change how we look at toxicology testing providing more efficient and cost effective solutions. This presentation was included in the panel of “New Regulatory Science in System Toxicology”, whose details are available here.

Both presentations provided valuable exposure for VPH by introducing a complex topic to policy makers in an understandable manner. The exposure VPH received as a result of being represented at this event will help in future advocacy activities to gain support for the initiative. 



Date: 23/05/2013 | Tag: | News: 132 of 1661
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