The call for abstracts for VPH2022 conference in Porto is now open. The main conference theme will be: "Digital twins for personalized treatment development and clinical trials".
For those interested to submit an abstract, please pay attention to the main rules:
- Abstracts must be submitted in English.
- The use of the abstract template is mandatory. Please download the abstract template directly in the abstract submission system and copy-paste your text there.
- Please limit the number of authors to no more than 5 and indicate each authorā€™s affiliation.
- The abstract has a maximum length of one page A4, including figures and references. It should be written in two column format, Times New Roman font size 11. Please refer directly to the template for complete guidelines on the required formatting and structure.
- Each registered participant can present only one oral presentation and/or one poster presentation.
- Presenting authors of all accepted abstracts will be required to register as delegates to the conference and pay the registration fee, as a condition for inclusion of their abstract in the program.
- Accepted abstracts will be published on the conference website and in the conference abstract book.
Discover how to apply here: