Virtual Physiological Human 2016 Conference

First announcement

The Virtual Physiological Human conference is a premier conference in the field of Computational Biomedicine. You are cordially invited to participate in this event. The 2016 edition will be held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, from September 26-28, 2016.

If you wish to stay informed, go to our home page and sign up for updates.

The VPH conference series offers a platform to present research related to the Physiome/VPH and, more broadly, research into Computational Biomedicine, as well as applications to clinical settings, underpinning the move towards predictive personalised medicine. VPH2016 offers an exciting program of state-of-the art science & engineering in computational (bio)medicine, ranging from foundational research to clinical applications, all contributing to this year’s theme: Translating VPH to the Clinic. The vision is to improve our understanding of health and disease, ultimately generating a tangible impact on healthy and active living and ageing.

The conference offers room for all aspects of Virtual Physiological Human related research, but the theme returns in the structure of the conference program. VPH2016 features three top-notch key note speakers

The VPH conference series is organised on behalf of the VPH-Institute. VPH2016 will be the fourth in the series, after VPH2010 in Brussels, VPH2012 in London and VPH2014 in Trondheim.

We hope that you will participate in this exciting event.

The Organisation Committee

 Alfons Hoekstra

 Ed van Bavel

 Maria Siebes

 Frank Gijsen

 Frank van de Vosse



Date: 17/11/2015 | Tag: | News: 427 of 1668
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