Tina Morrison from FDA visits VPHi member KU Leuven

The VPHi community strengthens its links with FDA
Tina Morrison FDA

One of the high-profile invited guests attending the launch of the Avicenna Alliance was Tina Morrison, the FDA-CDRH regulatory advisor of computational modeling and chair of the FDA-wide working group on computer modeling and simulation. 

During her week in Belgium she also visited one of the members of the VPHi, the university of Leuven.  During her visit to Belgium’s oldest university she met with PhD students and postdocs from the Biomechanics Section and the STADIUS center for dynamical systems, signal processing and data analytics, as well as with representatives of a few spin-off companies in the biomedical engineering field that are actively using computer modeling and simulation. 

Furthermore, she visited IMEC, an independent research institute that spun out of the university and that is a world player in the field of micro and nano-electronics with a specific interest in the life sciences. She concluded the visit with a very interesting and well-attended lecture. 

The lecture can be viewed from here


Tina Morrison FDA

Date: 06/12/2016 | Tag: | News: 541 of 1653
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