Time to renew your VPHi membership for 2023

The VPH Institute invites all its members to renew their membership to be able to contribute and get advantage of the number of activities VPHi is involved on!

Last newsletter, we provided you with an overview of the work the institute has done in 2022. In order to continue doing this work and represent the in silico medicine community at all levels, we are very much reliant on your support and your membership contributions.

This year we have implemented a new payment system. To renew your membership you will have to log in to your personal area from www.vph-institute.org/login.html where you will find the 2023 outstanding invoice.

As soon as the payment will be made and registered into the system, you can download the paid invoice and use it as a proof of membership renewal to participate to all the VPHi activities.

Don't hesitate to contact us for any questions!

We thank you in advance for renewing your membership!

Date: 27/02/2023 | Tag: | News: 1421 of 1653
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