The recently funded VPH project, MD-Paedigree, was awarded as Best Exhibit at ICT 2013

On 8th November 2013 MD-Paedigree (Model-Driven Paediatric European Digital Repository) was awarded the Best Exhibit Award at ICT2013 among over 200 exhibits! Our best congratulations!

At ICT2013, MD-Paedigree hosted a booth giving demonstrations of its innovative technology, conducted a packed networking session entitled Big data and data analytics impact in healthcare and distributed a discussion paper on Big Data Healthcare. During the networking session, MD-Paedigree brought together a wide range of stakeholders to come together and discuss the challenges faced in improving Europe’s ability to manage and exploit its healthcare data assets laying the foundation for a Big Data in Healthcare interest group.

Due to the rapid growth in the availability of data, Big Data technologies define a market projected to grow annually by 40% over the coming years. However, only a small number of European companies appear in the most recent list of largest companies by Big Data revenue.

In modelling environments for predictive, individualised healthcare, personalised solutions are key to improving patient safety and treatment efficacy. The focus of MD-Paedigree is the use of large bases of patient and health system data to drive healthcare innovation. Bringing together stakeholders from Big Data, data analytics and biomedical research, this project gathers emerging needs and service scenarios for storage, sharing, collaboration, multimodal similarity search, outcome analysis, risk stratification, 4P Medicine (Preventive, Personalized, Predictive and Participatory) and patient-specific clinical decision support.

bruno-dallapicc“I am confident that this ground-breaking research MD-Paedigree will open up a new perspective for paediatric research and lead to a future where child healthcare will be more effective, more personalised, and even more affordable.” concludes Bruno Dallapiccola, MD- Paedigree Project Coordinator and Scientific Director of Ospedale Pediatrico Bambin Gesù (Rome, Italy)


For more information visit the MD-Paedigree website


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Date: 13/11/2013 | Tag: | News: 198 of 1661
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