The Czech Republic joins the EuroHPC declaration

By signing the European Declaration on High-Performance Computing (Euro-HPC) the Czech Republic becomes the 14th country to participate in the European initiative to build world-class computing and data infrastructures in Europe.

The Czech Republic also announced that it intends to join the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking when it is adopted by the Council of the European Union. The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking will operate from 2019 to 2026. The planned infrastructure will be jointly owned and operated by the countries that have signed the EuroHPC declaration and private members from academia and industry. Other members can join this cooperation at any moment, provided their financial contribution.


On 23 March 2017, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain signed the EuroHPC Declaration. Since then, they have been joined by Belgium, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Greece and Croatia. These countries agreed to build a pan-European integrated exascale supercomputing infrastructure. Other Member States and associated countries are encouraged to sign the Declaration.

For more information, the press release published by the Commission is publicly available online. In addition, the Commission published on 26 January a Factsheet on HPC that can be found here.

Date: 07/02/2018 | Tag: | News: 730 of 1668
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