STOA Panel meeting on “Science Metrics: measuring scientific performance for improved policy making”

On 13 March 2014 the Science and Technology Options Assessment (STOA) Panel met in Strasbourg during the March plenary session and presented the report on Science Metrics.

This report is the outcome of a project that analysed the desirability and feasibility of creating a transnational system for collecting and monitoring research performance data, or, in other words, a European Research information infrastructure, in order to improve policy-making, while enabling improved research performance monitoring by researchers, research-performing institutions and funders.

Correia de Campos MEP, chairman of the STOA, highlighted that the policy options identified in the report will serve as an instrument of foresight analysis for future initiatives in research policy.

The report highlights the key role of competitiveness for the use of research information. While types of information sources are proliferating, there is a need for access to more fine-grained information in order to satisfy the current information needs.

The report calls on policymakers to measure outcomes and impacts of research and policies, beyond the project funding, as well as to reach a comprehensive view on national research, beyond thematic/ministerial divisions and national borders.

DG Research and Innovation has already announced its intentions to develop a European Research and Innovation Evaluation Network, in order to respond to the challenges posed for the Horizon 2020 evaluation system. This scenario would constitute an ideal context for the creation of an evaluation network that would expand the focus of discussion from analyses geared towards Horizon 2020 to evaluation methodologies in the context and knowledge and innovation systems.

Mr. Correia de Campos announced that the full study, as well as the study summary and the Options Brief will be soon published on the STOA website and widely distributed within and outside the European Parliament. 

Date: 02/04/2014 | Tag: | News: 243 of 1670
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