Research Strategies: Europe 2030 and the next Framework Programme- event report

On Wednesday 12 October a conference organized by Science|Business debated future research strategies and discussed the next framework programme (FP9) to replace Horizon 2020 (H2020). Several panels and workshops identified research and policy priorities for the future framework.

A Commission representative explained the ongoing review process of H2020 and described the main focus areas and pillars of the future framework. The first panel, composed of among others policy makers from the European Commission and the Parliament as well as stakeholders from the industry (IBM) and academia (University of Zurich) looked at the policy and design process of the new framework, identifying the main issues for future research needs. The panelists agreed that there needs to be a balance between bottom-up and top-down approaches in the FP9. It also stressed the need for co-design and involving all stakeholders into the discussions.

The Chair of the BOHEMIA foresight group talked about the work of the study group and presented priority areas of future research.

Finally, the last panel presented the priorities defined by the workshops and discussed the main challenges ahead. The workshops all stressed the need for more research in the field of social sciences and identified data as a key issue. A panel composed of stakeholders from the Commission (DG RTD), Academia (Kingโ€™s College London) and business (Huawei) discussed the main conclusions.

The Director of Policy Development and Coordination at DG RTD concluded the conference by underlining the necessity of ensuring co-designing of the new post H2020 framework, making sure research and innovation are at the center of discussions.

The programme of the event can be found here

Date: 03/11/2016 | Tag: | News: 523 of 1653
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