PhD and postdoc opportunities - September 2024

New calls with deadlines end September - early October

C4Bio - Consensus in mechanical characterization of biological tissues

Science and Technology Group, Department of Mechanical Engineering, KU Leuven

We are looking for a postdoctoral scholar at FIBEr – KU Leuven Core Facility for Biomechanical Experiments.
FIBEr is a core facility dedicated to characterization of mechanical properties (e.g. stiffness, strength and microstructure) of biological tissue, specifically bones, muscles, ligaments, blood vessels, etc., as well as biomedical products, such as implants and biomaterials. Mapping the mechanical properties serves to gain a better understanding of diseases related to altered mechanical properties (e.g. osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, cartilage injury,…), and to support the development of medical products, digital twins and medical treatments.

Deadline: October 25, 2024

More info and application HERE


PhD Opportunity: Efficient In Silico Trials for Bone Diseases
The University of Sheffield (School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering)

The School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering at the University of Sheffield is recruiting for a PhD position associated with the EPSRC funded New Investigator Award BONESFE. The position will be based within the Integrated Musculo-Skeletal Biomechanics Group in the Insigneo Institute, a collaboration between the University of Sheffield, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Sheffield Children's NHS Foundation Trust and Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

With a focus on bone diseases and drugs and devices used to treat them, the project will leverage recent advances in the characterisation of bone shape variation in a population and in the development of intrusive stochastic finite-element analysis tools. The overall aim of the project is to improve the efficiency and reduce the cost of conducing In Silico Trials, thus encouraging uptake of this technology by device and drug manufacturers.

Closing date: 31 October 2024

More info and application HERE


PhD and postdoc positions for in silico and in vitro models of osteoarthritis
Biomechanics Research Unit - GIGA Institute-ULiège

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease, marked by cartilage degeneration, pain and loss of mobility, which cannot be prevented effectively.

OA is a multifactorial disease that involves a complex interplay of biochemical and biomechanical factors happening at different length and time scales. To delineate this complex interplay, recent works in our team have focused on developing multiscale in silico models of human knee joint to study the initiation and progression of OA, by combining finite element models at different length scales with intracellular gene regulatory network models. Additional in silico work has focused on developing the proper tools to analyse scRNAseq and spatial transcriptomics data. In addition, we have worked on establishing in vitro models (cartilage-on-chip and organoids) and in vivo models (mice and mini-pig) to inform and validate the models and work on their translation to the clinics.

The proposed project will build up on the previous works, to complete the feedback loop of the multiscale workflow in order to predict how changes in cellular-level affect tissue level mechanical properties by using computational homogenization techniques.

Application Deadline: 31 Oct 2024 - 18:00

More info and application HERE


Postdoctoral Researcher position
Kuopio University Hospital, the Wellbeing Services county of North Savo, and the University of Eastern Finland

We are inviting applications for a Postdoctoral Researcher position in the field of musculoskeletal diseases, specifically experimental and computational assessment of mineralized joint tissues in osteoarthritis, at Kuopio University Hospital, the Wellbeing Services county of North Savo, and the University of Eastern Finland. The position will be filled from December 1st, 2024 (or as agreed). The research project is led by Associate Professor, Senior Specialist, Ph.D. Mikael Turunen.

The primary tasks of the Postdoctoral Researcher will include, but not be limited to, management of the project practicalities, supervision of Ph.D. students, development of the bioreactor and other experimental protocols, laboratory experiments, data analysis (including synchrotron beamline experiments), statistical analysis of the data, writing articles and abstracts, attending conferences, applying additional funding to Widen the project, and preparation and supervision of personal grant applications.

Application Deadline: 31 October 2024 (by 12.00 CET)

More info and application HERE


PhD candidates for InSilicoHealth: an innovative training program for a new generation of digital health professionals

iSi Health is pleased to announce that InSilicoHealth was successfully awarded by the European Commission! This compelling interdisciplinary joint degree-MSCA Doctoral Network programme, coordinated by KU Leuven, will train 11 Doctoral Candidates to become effective translators of the rapidly evolving digital technology to tackle existing and future challenges related with healthy ageing in Europe. InSilicoHealth will specifically focus on developing virtual human twin technology for the heart, brain and musculoskeletal systems, while explicitly addressing the ethical, legal societal implications of these technologies. The project will be carried out by a strong multidisciplinary consortium composed of eight leading European Universities, industrial partners, and several organisations supporting in silico medicine, such as the VPHi and Avicenna Alliance. InSilicoHealth is conceptualized as a steppingstone for a sustainable EU-based, doctoral programme on in silico health, providing a 360° view on the methodological, technological, ethical, social, and regulatory challenges associated with the upcoming digital revolution of healthcare.

Recruitment for PhD candidates is starting in October 2024!

Find out more about the different positions at !


Date: 23/09/2024 | Tag: | News: 1607 of 1653
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