PhD and postdoc opportunities - December 2023

Open positions with deadlines in December

Senior postdoctoral researcher in computer methods for ERC Consolidator Grant O-Health
Universitat Pompeu Fabra - ETIC Tecnologies de la InformaciĂł i les Comunicacions

We are offering a 4-5-year postdoctoral position for our research line Computer methods for modeling based on finite elements and agents in multiscale simulations, within the context of the O-Health project.

The researcher will be responsible for the development of the multiscale simulation platform of the O-Health project, combining finite element (organ/tissue level) and agent-based (multicellular models) models and solvers.

The researcher will gradually become responsible for the conversion of models based on the physics and biology of the BMMB, into interoperable tools within automated simulation flows, through bottom-up and top-down modeling. Likewise, he will execute and be responsible for the conversion of the models based on the physics and biology of the BMMB, into interoperable tools within automated simulation flows, for the bottom-up and top-down modeling of O-Health. You will define, program and implement workflows using and adapting existing free and open solutions, such as SBML, HDF5 and MUSCLE.

Application Deadline 21 Dec 2023 - 23:59

More info and application HERE


Funded PhD position in reinforcement learning for neuro-musculoskeletal models of human movement
Autonomous Learning at the University of TĂŒbingen, Germany

The project combines machine learning strategies, biomechanical models, and computational motor control with the aim to reproduce healthy and impaired human movements.

You will become a member of the group of Georg Martius on Autonomous Learning at the University of TĂŒbingen (formerly at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems) The project will be in close collaboration with the group of Daniel Haeufle. The project is embedded in the CyberValley, Europe’s largest AI research consortium. Your thesis will be part of an ongoing collaboration with researchers from the University of Stuttgart and the Max-Planck-Institute for Intelligent Systems.

Core skills:

  • A background in computer science and reinforcement learning, biomedical engineering, (bio-)physics, computational neuroscience, or closely related
  • A Masters (or equivalent) degree from a recognised university. Near completion can be considered;
  • Prior knowledge in biomechanical modelling, multi body dynamics modelling, dynamical systems, or (rehabilitation)robotics is a plus;
  • Prior experience with neuro-muscular or computational motor control is a plus;
  • Prior experience with reinforcement learning is a plus;
  • Proficient programming experience in Python or similar
  • Excellent grades and analytical skills;
  • Proficient oral and written English skills;
  • Outstanding candidates with different backgrounds are encouraged to apply

The position will remain open until filled.

More info and application HERE


PhD position in Digital Twins for Healthcare
Centre for Doctoral Training in Digital Twins for Healthcare - King’s College London

DT4Health is an innovative PhD program located at King's, in the heart of London, arising as a joint forces collaboration between the Healthcare Faculties and the Faculty of Natural, Mathematical & Engineering Sciences.

DT4Health is a technology-driven CDT that aims to build multidisciplinary bridges to clinical specialties. The CDT welcomes applications from outstanding candidates from a variety of backgrounds, who are enthusiastic about multi-disciplinary research and training to build the next generation of Digital Twins in healthcare.

Application Deadline 8 Jan 2023 - 23:59

More info and application HERE


PhD at the Interface of Ultrasound Imaging and Computational Visualization
The Institute for Modelling and Simulation of Biomechanical Systems at the University of Stuttgart

The Continuum Biomechanics and Mechanobiology research group (Prof. Oliver Röhrle) is one of the two chairs at the Institute for Modelling and Simulation of Biomechanical Systems. The group focuses on developing and applying computational and experimental methods to investigate the neuromuscular system and related fields.

This project aims to develop and validate an architectural-informed and activation-driven 3D muscle model of the human M. tibialis anterior. Therefore, using a custom-built ultrasound scanning device, a new method will be developed to determine and visualize the 3D muscle architecture during dynamic muscle contractions. Computational methods are essential to leverage the full potential of ultrasound data.

Candidates should have a strong background in at least one of the following fields:

  • Ultrasound imaging
  • Skeletal muscle mechanics
  • Bio-signal processing
  • Scientific visualization
  • AI and data science

Other skills:

  • Good programming in Matlab, Python, etc.
  • Excellent master’s degree (or equivalent) in studies focusing on biomedical engineering, civil engineering, data sciences, simulation sciences, applied physics or applied mathematics
  • Ability to work in an interdisciplinary team
  • Good communication skills
  • Willingness to take on teaching responsibilities

Application Deadline: January 12th, 2024

More info and application HERE


PhD in the Field of Computational Modelling and Simulation of Biological Tissue Adaptation
The Institute for Modelling and Simulation of Biomechanical Systems at the University of Stuttgart

The research project focuses on the modelling and simulation of skeletal muscle adaptation in the framework of multiscale continuum biomechanics. The aim of the project is the in-silico modelling of healthy and fibrotic tissue as well as the mathematical description of the mechanobiological processes that drive microstructural tissue changes.

We seek candidates with a strong background in at least one of the following fields:

  • continuum mechanics
  • material theory
  • numerical methods in mechanics
  • biological tissue modelling

Programming skills in mathematical software tools like Matlab and/or languages like Python are expected. Knowledge about homogenisation theory and multiscale modelling are highly beneficial. Further, the candidate is expected to have an excellent master’s degree (or equivalent) in studies with a strong mechanical and numerical focus, such as, e.g., civil engineering, simulation sciences, biomedical engineering or applied mathematics. The ability to work in an interdisciplinary team, good communication skills and the willingness to take on teaching responsibilities are essential requirements.

Application Deadline: January 12th, 2024

More info and application HERE


PhD-Position at the Interface of Computational and Experimental Neuromechanics
The Institute for Modelling and Simulation of Biomechanical Systems at the University of Stuttgart

The overall aim of the project is to link neurophysiology and skeletal muscle mechanics. Therefore, we aim to develop novel magnetomyographic measurement systems that allow the study of the neuromuscular system non-invasively and in vivo. This is only feasible by conducting highly interdisciplinary research combining experimental measurements, simulation science and signal processing.

With our aim to link in vivo experiments and computer simulations, we seek candidates with a strong background in at least one of the following fields:

  • Biological systems modelling
  • Electrographic or magnetographic measurements
  • Continuum mechanics
  • Bio-signal processing
  • Inverse problems

Good programming skills in Matlab, Python, etc. are expected. Further, the candidate is expected to have an excellent master’s degree (or equivalent) in studies focusing on neurophysiology, biomedical engineering, civil engineering, simulation sciences, applied physics or applied mathematics. The ability to work in an interdisciplinary team, good communication skills and the willingness to take on teaching responsibilities are essential requirements.

Application Deadline: January 12th, 2024

More info and application HERE


Developing virtual reality for paediatric neurorehabilitation
University of Sheffield

Neurorehabilitation is used to improve children and young people’s mobility and perceptive functions as well as to provide them with various compensatory strategies. However, current access to paediatric neurorehabilitation in the NHS is very limited.

Using digital therapeutics, such as virtual reality, may be an engaging and attractive alternative to conventional therapies, and could facilitate neurorehabilitation taking place at home. The use of digital therapeutics in paediatric neurorehabilitation may also improve the delivery of assessments, treatments, and clinical outcomes for children and young people diagnosed with brain and spinal cord tumours because of its potential to overcome current limitations of current therapies.

Key aims/objectives:

  • Create a system where children and young people's activity is designed and adapted according to the individual’s abilities and needs following treatment for a brain tumour. For example, to address problems with balance (ataxia) or one-sided weakness in their arm, hand, or leg (hemiparesis).
  • Computer systems with virtual environments will enable the graded difficulty and differentiation of individual tasks, which will lead to better use of cognitive-motor learning strategies.
  • The user and physiotherapist will be able to control and modify the individual (personal) training and track the digital therapeutic score on/offline.
  • The system will be paired with a wearable device to help to establish level of exertion and wider health benefit.

Deadline: Friday 12th January 2024

More info and application HERE


10 PhD positions in the Europe Horizon Marie SkƂodowska-Curie Project REBONE

REBONE is a four-year Doctoral Network, funded by the Europe Horizon Marie SkƂodowska programme, aiming at innovatively training a new generation of researchers to develop a multidisciplinary optimization process aimed at providing technologies for personalized bone-substitute implants, based on bioactive ceramics to address the health and societal burdens of trauma and bone diseases.

REBONE will develop state-of-the-art in silico models based on advanced computational methods and advanced characterisation and validation techniques to obtain personalised implants with a surgical planning visualization system in mixed reality.

Complete list of the 10 Doctoral positions available within REBONE:

  • Methods for optimization of bone-substitute architectures (Politecnico di Milano, Italy);
  • Micro- and macro-mechanical characterization of materials and devices and in-silico Models (Politecnico di Milano, Italy);
  • 3D printing technologies for Glass-Ceramic and Glass-Ceramic-based composite BTE scaffolds (Politecnico di Torino, Italy);
  • Tissue-scaffold biological interaction (UniversitĂ  del Piemonte Orientale, Italy)
  • Design of bone inspired scaffolds and biomechanical characterization of the bone-scaffold construct (UniversitĂ© de Liege, Belgium)
  • Industrial process for glass-ceramic device manufacturing through VPP (Lithoz GmbH, Austria)
  • Characterization of fracture relevant bone sites for information on the structural/compositional requirements of the implant (Ludwig Boltzmann Institute, Austria)
  • Models for Tissue growth and fundamental relationships with micro-architecture of scaffolds (University of Salzburg, Austria)
  • Biomimetic in vitro culture models for evaluation of novel bone substitute implants (University of Belgrade, RS)
  • Mixed reality for planning of implant surgery for bone defects of irregular shapes (MEDAPP SPÓƁKA AKCYJNA, Poland)

Positions will be launched on the 1st of January 2024

Deadline for application: 1 March 2024

More info and application

Date: 22/11/2023 | Tag: | News: 1515 of 1660
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