Let's introduce Raphaëlle Lesage and Federica Orsi: the two new VPHi collaborators.
Raphaëlle Lesage is the new scientific collaborator of the VPHi. She will be in charge of the regulatory systems and policy issues related to in silico medicine. In particular, she will represent the VPHi and collaborate on three H2020 projects recently funded by the European Commission: ISW, SimCardioTest and SIMCor. Her mission will include the redaction of SOPs and white papers on the use, validation and verification of in silico models for medical devices and drugs development and approval. She will actively engage with a wide range of stakeholders, from patient associations to regulatory bodies, with the aim to foster modelling and simulations (M&S) good practices in medicine.
She holds a diploma in Bioengineering and modelling for Biology and she is a PhD candidate in Engineering and Biomedical sciences at KU Leuven, where she conducted research on in silico modelling applied to osteochondral diseases. Her experience with M&S in pharma and regulatory documentation will be leveraged for her mission at the VPHi.
You can contact Raphaëlle here: raphaelle@vph-institute.orgFederica Orsi is the new VPHi communication & operations
manager. She will develop the institute's communication activities (social
media, newsletters, websites, presentations), she will elaborate the
communication strategies and deal with all communication tasks related
to the European projects in which VPHi is involved. She will be responsible for
events organization in person and online, too. She will also support the general activities of the
institute, especially during the upcoming maternity leave of Martina Contin - VPHi
Federica has a communication studies background. She also holds an MBA from Bologna Business School. After graduation, she worked in a Swedish multinational where she was in charge of receptions and events. She worked as a freelance communication consultant. Moreover, she has 12 years of political and administrative experience in health issues.
You can contact Federica here: federica@vph-institute.org